

How to Teach Your Child to Make Friends


One of the parents’ responsibilities is ensuring their child knows how to do things on their own. The best way to prepare them is to educate and provide life lessons they will use later on. For comprehensive development, there are After School Programs in Bayside, New York your child may enroll.

But aside from the regular academic curriculum, there is one aspect of life that also needs teaching – socialization.

Making friends may sound easy for some, but it is becoming more apparent that finding and keeping friends is a life skill. Our social lives are a part of who we are.

How do we help kids to find friends? Do we gather them in the same place and urge them to play with each other? Do we leave them until they start doing something together? There is a better and healthier way to build this skill in a child.

Before planning out the socialization lessons that you want to teach your child, spend time observing. Pay attention to how they socialize. We all have unique ways of approaching a peer. Observe what works and what does not.

Most of all, model the behavior you want your child to replicate. Show your child how you meet with new people and how you interact with your friends.

Making friends is just one lesson to learn – there are more to come!

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